Tim and I were able to squeeze in a few trips before the new baby arrives this summer. We decided we wanted to make San Diego our Baby Moon location this time around. Tim had never been and I love it there!
I had the HARDEST time leaving Ryder for this trip. I’ve left him for a few days in the past (Tooth surprised me with tickets to Britney Spears in Vegas last year for my birthday, a girl’s trip for me and my best friend. Have I mentioned how awesome my hubby is?!). But Ryder was home with Daddy so I wasn’t nearly as anxious about it. This time one of my good friends stayed at our house to take care of him, and… OMG! I think I ran back in to give him a hug, say “I love you”, squeeze his cheeks and get one last look at him like 127 times. I’m not exaggerating!
I don’t know how I managed to make it the entire car ride to the airport without crying, but I did. But, true to form, instead of crying I just carry all my emotions in my stomach! I had the worst heartburn and acid reflux of my life for two straight days!! It was so bad I called my doctor to get advice because I couldn’t eat anything without feeling ILL. And sleeping wasn’t even an option. Not only was my mind racing (and my heart pounding) I couldn’t even lay down half way without feeling sick. After the first couple days, I was able to chill out and relax!
We ended up having so much fun just laying by the pool, sitting on the beach listening to the waves crashing, catching up on reading (something other than half a US Weekly and a Parenting magazine), nap, eat, watch movies, etc. It was awesome! We stayed in La Jolla at La Valencia Hotel, which was awesome. We spent time exploring the town and trying different beaches and restaurants. It is the cutest little town and we had so much fun exploring! We also spent a couple days at Hotel Del Coronado on Coronado Island and that was beautiful as well! My happy place is and will always be at the beach.
Getting quality time alone with Tooth is my favorite! And to get this for more than a few hours on date night was just fantastic. Here are some highlights from the trip:

This is at La Valencia. So quiet and relaxing! Just what this mama needed.

Beaches in La Jolla

25 week bump 🙂

We loved La Valencia in La Jolla. Recommend it when traveling without kiddos. Hotel Del Coronado was also beautiful! I’m already looking forward to going back sometime with the kids. This hotel is very kid/family friendly. But it isn’t overwhelmingly crowded with kids, so also a fun place to take a trip with just adults.
What are your favorite places to travel when you’re kid free? I’m always a sucker for a beach! Like moth to a flame! 🙂
