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Barre Forte

Writer: Stefanie KathleenStefanie Kathleen

If you follow me on social media, you know I’ve been taking Barre classes recently. It’s felt so great to be back at the barre! Being a dancer all my life, I love anything that makes you feel (and look!) like a dancer again. I have been taking classes at Barre Forte in Highlands Ranch. They have three locations in Colorado. If you love barre classes, or have ever been interested in trying a barre class, GO! They are amazing and full of energy. I swear after two classes I felt my body starting to change.

You guys. These classes. OMG I knew getting back into working out after having a baby (and a 2nd c-section) was gonna be rough. But, wow! It was a humbling experience to not be able to get through the class without stopping. I hate when I can’t push through. But my body has not been working like this for a long, long time and it was in shock!! I’m not lying when I say after my first few classes, I could barely walk! Which I actually love. Makes me feel like I accomplished something. Ha! But also makes me very aware of how far I have to go. 

I know I’ve said before in previous posts that I don’t like to push too hard or put myself under too much pressure to loose the baby weight. First and foremost, I want to enjoy my happy, beautiful babies. But as you add kids to your family, it becomes more and more difficult to carve out time for yourself. I try very hard to PLAN ahead. I write out my schedule for the week. This includes my errands to run, groceries to get, chores to do around the house, dinner plans for the week and when I will hit the barre/gym. I scheduled it in 5 times for the previous week and only made it to TWO classes. But that is still an improvement from 0! Planning ahead makes a big difference for me. This past week it was Thanksgiving, we had family in town, lots of snow and a sick toddler. #LIFE Am I right?! So I had to miss a couple classes that I planned on going to, and that’s ok. Balance. Right? 

The awesome thing about Barre Forte is that they have multiple options for classes! I haven’t been able to hit every class yet, but really looking forward to trying the vertical barre class next week! The cardio barre classes… OH. MY. GOSH!! I seriously thought I was going to die! I don’t know how that teacher did the entire class with us while also talking into the microphone the whole time? I swear she didn’t even seem out of breath! LOL She’s my new role model. 😉 But seriously, these classes are TOUGH and I can’t wait to get stronger and be able to make it through an entire class without needing to take breaks. 

I try very hard to find a balance so I can work hard, play hard. And by “play hard” I mean eat and drink!! LOL I find that when I start working out and getting into a groove, I feel better. Have more energy and feel happier in general. This starts to snow ball and then I also become more aware of what I’m eating, how much water I’m drinking, etc. Lately I have been horribleeeeee at remembering to drink water. So this coming week I have plans to drink more water and I will attempt to hit 5-6 classes this week. I’ll let you know how my next couple weeks go!

Click here to check out there website. Let me know if you guys go! I’d love to hear about your experience. The instructors are so sweet and STRONG! I hope you guys love it as much as I do!


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