Hi friends! Hope you’re all having a wonderful Tuesday. I’ve gotten a few questions about this shirt and forgot about these pictures we took a few weeks ago. I love this shirt! Similar style to the red plaid shirt I wore a few posts back. Same drill. Love that these shirts make nursing easy. And I love that this shirt is longer in the back so I can wear it with leggings as well. These are still maternity pants here. They just slide down and are bugging me so much! But every time I wear my pre-pregnancy jeans I totally regret it. I’m still not comfortable in them. I’ve gotten one pair of pants that fit me now and can’t find them?! What?? You know your house is a mess when you can’t find the one pair of “in between” jeans you bought. Ugh! Managing life with two little ones is something we are still adjusting to. Sometimes I feel like the house is organized and on top of things. But most of the time, I feel just the opposite. I feel like I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off most days. My house is a constant mess and I’m just so grateful for my hubby being so helpful. He helps with the laundry, dishes, grocery shopping, bath time, bed time… everything. If it wasn’t for him I’d be drowning even more than I already am! So shout out to my hubby! Who will never see this and probably doesn’t even know the website to view my blog. LOL

I’ve loved these maternity boyfriend jeans and am looking for something similar in non-maternity! Ignore Ryder’s art on the garage door behind me. LOL

This girl!!! I can’t handle it. She’s the sweetest little thing I’ve ever seen and I just want to chew on those yummy cheeks!

This kid. YOWSA, I love him! He’s officially been off this binki for over a week now! It was a rough couple days without it. He still gets it at bedtime and he really looks forward to it. He’s doing great now without it but sometimes when he’s having a rough day it’s SO HARD for me not to cave and give it to him. I miss it, too. And those loafers. LOVE.

Ok. Yawning babies is one of my favorite things! Heart melted!

Stud. Seriously. I could eat him.

Someone found the ONE area with mud. And guess who ran right through it? Ugh… boys.

This man is such a wonderful dad. He loves his babies so much and is SO helpful. He’s such a great example to our kids of what a husband and father should be. Marriage is haaaarrrrrd sometimes. AmIRight?! But so worth it. I’m forever grateful for this family we’ve created. Even when I hate him, I still love him so much and think I definitely married up! #hunk (Yes, I just said that sometimes I hate him. LOL If you’re married and you don’t hate your spouse sometimes… You’re lying! Or it’s coming. HA!)

Ryder throwing a tantrum because we won’t let him run into the street with oncoming traffic.
My outfit:
Top // Maternity Boyfriend Denim // Similar heel here and here
Ryder’s outfit:
Shirt // Similar short // Similar loafers. Ryder’s aren’t leather. They are from Gap and I LOVE them!
Blakely’s outfit:
Blake’s outfit is mismatched items. They are all from Carters.
Similar sweater // Similar leggings // Freshly Picked Moccs
