Happy Mothers Day to all you Mamas out there! Our day was calm and chill. It was just what we needed over here. Tooth let me sleep in and brought me breakfast in bed. AHHH. He even opened the curtains and turned on E! for me. He knows the way to my heart. 😉 We spent the morning at church and then had a lazy afternoon home with the babies.
After nap time Tooth surprised me with a new lens I’ve been wanting for my camera! Yay! He spoils me. Then he took me outside and surprised me with the most unexpected gift… A new tree!! I was so shocked! He had it all set up in the yard and it was so sweet.
I am always talking about how much I love “pink trees”. Ha! Seriously, every time I see one I’m like, “OOOHHHH! I love those pink trees!” I guess he was sick of me saying that over and over again heard me, so he got me a tree and we planted it together in the back yard. He even bought a smaller shovel that Ryder could use. It was so sweet. It was a very creative gift and we will get to watch this tree grow for a long time! Now I can just walk into my backyard to enjoy the “pink tree”! 😉
Neither one of us had ever planted a tree, so we are a little worried we are going to wake up tomorrow morning and the tree will be blown over. Wish the tree luck! Here we are planting our PINK TREE…

This is the best we could get with these two monkeys. #reallife

UGH, that squished up nose when she’s smiling… I just inhale her. Every. Single. Day.

Ryder’s smile! :)))) Our little pink tree will grow to 30 feet.
Also, remember about three months ago when we were getting ALL the windows in our house replaced?? Yeah, they still aren’t done. Hence the metallic windows behind us.

Ryder was so excited to “make a tree”. Ha! I love him so much. He was totally into it until he started getting dirty and then he wanted a wipe. LOL

Such a big boy with his shovel!

Blakely wanted in on the action so bad. She was so upset that I wouldn’t let her play with/eat the dirt. Once Ryder realized we were going to put the tree in the hole we were digging he got upset. Pretty sure he thought we were digging that hole just so he could play in it. Ha!


So thankful to my thoughtful hubby for surprising me with this amazing gift. He always has a few tricks up his sleeve and makes me feel so special. I’ll always remember this wonderful day when I look out my window and see this tree we planted together.
(Ok, cheesy rant over!)
