As some of you may have seen through Instagram and Facebook, I have taken off on a new adventure with a line I LOVE! Actually, about three years ago I had a friend introduce me to LipSense and I instantly fell in love. I joined immediately and couldn't wait to learn more and get started with my new side gig.
Well, it didn't take long for me to realize it wasn't the right time. I had two little kids and was so overwhelmed. I knew it was best for me to walk away and focused on my young family but always hoped to come back because I truly loved the products I was introduced to.
So here we are three years later and I'm finally doing it!! I am so, so grateful for all of your support and love while I've leaped into something new - completely out of my comfort zone! I have only been a part of this new team for a couple weeks and feel so excited for the adventure ahead.
2020 has been an interesting year. I haven't been able to work as much (doing lash extensions) and I've felt like I am drowning in mom duties (homeschool is no joke!) and needed something for me. Something I could look forward to in the midst of all the unknown in life right now. I can't wait to see where this journey takes me. I have some goals, but mostly just want to enjoy chatting with friends and have some FUN!
I am so excited not only for LipSense, but for the entire cosmetic line of SeneGence! Seriously, I want to try it all. Haha. There is also a mens line Tim is interested in and a huge skincare line that sounds amazing. Can't wait to get my hands on those items!
I will link some of my favorite makeup products below (these photos were taken before I started transitioning over to SeneGence) but know that I will slowly be trying new items and switching out items here and there. I will update you guys about products I am loving on social media (Instagram: @whatsup_buttarcup and Facebook: Pucker Up Buttarcup - this is a private group, so just request access and you'll be in!)
