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Still Pregnant

Writer: Stefanie KathleenStefanie Kathleen

So… I’m still pregnant. And before you ask, NO. I am not past my due date. It just seems like this pregnancy has lasted forever and ever. I have spent a lot of this pregnancy very worried about how I will manage balancing two little ones. I am no longer fearful and feel ready to take on the challenge! I am so ready to meet this baby girl and get SO excited thinking about the fact that I will meet her in less than one week! Eeee!

My hubby and I have spent SOooo many hours “nesting” and organizing our house. We moved into our home almost 4 years ago and it has been one project after another (we bought our house in foreclosure and there was a LOT to do!!). I don’t think either one of us realized how much work needed to be done but it’s finallllly feeling like we’re getting somewhere! So adding to that list the fact that we had to get the nursery ready for baby girl and completely set up a new room for Ryder was a lot. We also went through closets and cabinets and boxes we still haven’t gone through since we moved! It’s been a LOT of work. But we now feel very organized and isn’t that the best feeling?! I love feeling organized and having a clean home.

But now … I barely have energy to get out of bed! I’m exhausted all the time. Ryder has been such a good little boy and I’m trying so hard to enjoy these last few weeks with him. But he is BUSY! And it’s hard on my body to carry him around and play with him outside in the blazing heat at the parks, pool, etc. On top of just hurting and being uncomfortable because I’m HUGE (which strangers LOVE to tell me. WTF?!)

WHY would you ever tell a complete stranger “you look months past your due date!” or “Oh my heavens! You’re about to POP!” and “Hurry and get her checked out so she doesn’t deliver that baby right here in our store!”  HUH?!?! I mean, seriously? How am I supposed to respond to comments like that?! Ugh! People. LOL PS: You don’t need to tell me/remind me that I’m huge. I already know. I’m the one carrying this beast of a belly around! Trust me. I know. People also like to comment “that baby’s ready to come out! Your belly has dropped!” Like they know anything about my pregnancy. FYI, she has NOT dropped. She is so high it’s hard for me to breathe!

I also just spill everything. I’m not sure how? Or why? Ha! I met up with some friends this week and ended up leaving our play date with cream cheese, brownie, pizza sauce, strawberries and milk down the front of my shirt. OMG. Ha! It’s kinda funny. But not! I can’t wait to feel semi-normal sized again. Until then, I try to wear a lot of black. LOL. Wearing any other color (while eating or being around a messy toddler) is very risky these days.

I am always so thankful for the cooler weather. Here I am in all black and surprisingly comfortable. Considering I’m 1,000 years 10 months pregnant. These leggings are so soft and I have been living in them lately. This top is big and baggy and I love that it gives me room. Wearing anything sleeveless, tight or short is just not my thing these days. You know you’re puffy and bloated when you don’t even want to expose your ankles! HA! I swear I wasn’t this puffy with Ryder, but maybe I was and I just blocked it out? I texted my best friend the other day telling her that if I ever talk about having a third that she should punch me in the face and call me names until she knocks some sense into me because… WHYYYYYYYY! LOL It’s amazing the things we forget once that overwhelming love comes pouring in as you’re handed your new baby fresh from heaven.

And this boy. He’s so flippin’ cute I seriously can’t take it!! I have been craving Slurpees and using the excuse that they’ll “cool me down.” But I hate going when Ryder’s in the car because I don’t want to start him on this crazy sugar addition I have! But for the first time I let him have a teeny tiny bit of my Slurpee and it’s safe to say he’s forever addicted! Oooops! When he finished the tiny bit I gave him he was SO upset and wanted “more juice!!!!!!”. ☺ It is almost impossible to get pictures of this boy smiling these days. Or in focus. I mostly get pictures of the back of his head because he sees the camera and almost always takes off running. HA! Poor kid. He’s so much fun and I am SO excited to see him with his little sister who he calls “heartbeat” or “sissy”. He loves carrying around her 3D ultrasound pictures and saying “HEARTBEAT! SISSY! HEARTBEAT!!!” He just repeats things over and over until you acknowledge what he’s saying. I love him forever and ever!

Leggings // My leopard sandals from Target are old, but these and these are similar and so cute. 

My top is old (from last pregnancy) but this top looks just as loose and comfy and it comes in multiple colors! // Clutch is old, but similar here.

I love Francesa’s and can’t get enough. Been wearing this braclet daily! It goes with everything. 


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