This post is sponsored by Lysol. All thoughts are my own.

Who's excited for summer?? THIS GIRL! And these kids haha. We are outside a *lot* in the summertime. You name it, we're doing it! Hiking, park dates, sidewalk chalk, pool days, planting flowers, and picnics. We love it all and can't get enough of the beautiful Colorado summer weather. In fact, I just created our family bucket list for the summer, and I am so excited to get it started!

All of this outdoor summer fun leads to a lot of stains and odor-causing bacteria on our clothing. From odors from our dogs, hazelnut spread that was spilled, dirt, sweat... it's allllll on our clothes. Some common stains and odors we all deal with when doing our families' laundry.

The other morning, we were all hanging out in our backyard together. Just an easy weekend morning. Before I knew it, the kids were covered in dirt and mud (we are finishing up a huge landscaping project in our yard and it has left us with a lot of mud and dirt for both the kids and dogs!) The kids also managed to get messy from jumping on the trampoline, chasing the dogs, playing with bubbles, and eating a snack outside in the beautiful summer sun.

Isn't this just the way it goes? Kids are finally clean, dressed, and snacks are made. Then BAM - everyone is a mess again. Haha. #momlife Once the kids finished this messy (and delicious) hazelnut spread and apple snack, I had them rip their dirty clothes off. I threw their clothes, along with a bunch of towels we used to clean off the dogs' muddy paws, in the wash with my new Lysol Antibacterial Detergent. I got the food and dirt stains AND odor-causing bacteria (the stuff you can’t see!) off their clothes!

I have absolutely loved washing my families' clothes, sheets, and towels with our new Lysol Antibacterial Detergent because I know this is the only detergent formulated to remove stains and odor-causing bacteria. Major win! I hate the feeling when I wash the clothes and towels but still feel like I haven't been able to get the stains, and odor-causing bacteria out.

Now that we have made the switch to Lysol Antibacterial Detergent, I feel more confident than ever that our clothes are truly clean. This is the only detergent I use! Of course, I got these clothes clean all while the kids managed to get dirty and messy... again. Haha. The laundry never ends over here! It's a constant job for me as a mom and I never feel caught up. But now that I am only using this detergent which is formulated to remove these stains and odor-causing bacteria, it makes my laundry days much easier! It feels amazing to know that the detergent I am using for our family is working as hard as I am at cleaning so many things. ;)

Towels, bedsheets, clothing... Lysol Antibacterial Detergent has your back! Make the switch now to have the same confidence I have in our clothing and towels being clean.
