Seems like Thanksgiving comes and it’s December 1st one second later! I hope you all had a great time with family and friends! This year we were lucky enough to have Tim’s dad, Steve, and his wife, Janis out. My hubby is a lover of Thanksgiving and all the food that comes with it. Me… Not so much. Actually, I kind of hate the food! LOL In fact, the first time I spent the holidays with Tim’s family I thought his sister was going to kick me out of the house when I admitted I don’t like pie! LOL The past three years we have hosted huge meals at our house and it’s so overwhelming. Especially with little ones involved. It’s a lot of prep work to get that meal prepared! I don’t love cooking and I don’t love turkey, cranberries, egg nog, stuffing, pie, etc. Call me crazy. (My husband does!) So this year I was really pushing for us to eat out at a nice restaurant for our feast. I kept tempting my husband, “imagine… Everyone can order whatever they want! We can just sit there and catch up with family sipping on drinks while warm food of our (individual) choosing is served to us! And then we can have multiple desserts. Again, without any prep work! Plus, no cleaning up afterwards!!” I mean, how can you argue this?! Tooth accepted this idea for the year (thank heavens!) and we all went out to Del Friscos for an amazing Thanksgiving day feast. Ryder missed his nap and we sat at that table eating and drinking for three and a half hours! Amazingly, both kids were very well behaved… The. Whole. Time. It was a Thanksgiving day miracle!
We all got to order the meal we wanted (side note: NO ONE ordered turkey. Or cranberries. Or stuffing. …Just had to point that out) and we didn’t have to lift a finger. After our huge feast we all went home and everyone napped. Well, everyone but me and the babies. LOL Someones gotta hold down the fort! We took home three desserts (yes, three!!) and ate them while watching movies after the babies were asleep for the night. My father-in-law said, “I have to agree that Stef’s idea makes a lot of sense! That was awesome!”. I knew I loved him!! 😉
Overall, it was a successful holiday with lots of family time, snow, food, laughs, movies, dessert, napping and everything else amazing. Here are some pics with Grandpa Hubble and Grandma Janis. Cheers!

I really should have edited these pics… We look like tiny specs HA!

It’s really hard to get a good picture with kids. Especially when it’s just SO tempting to shove your tennis ball in your moms mouth. WTF?! PS this is Lincoln’s ball! Good thing I’m not a germaphobe. Wait…

Stop it. That face!

Daddy’s way cooler and funnier than Mommy! LOL 😉

We love you Grandpa Hubble and Grandma Janis!

Before our 3.5 hour FEAST! Can you see how happy I am here?! NO cooking = no stress! YAY

And then at the end of the day, this happened. You can find me melting in the corner.
