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What I Pack in My Hospital Bag

Writer: Stefanie KathleenStefanie Kathleen

Hi Friends! I’ve had a few people ask my what I pack in my hospital bag. I’ve been meaning to post this for a while but I’ve been consumed by my pretty little baby over here 🙂

When Tooth and I went to the hospital to have Ryder, you would have thought we had packed for a three month vacay! LOL I’m such an over packer and always feel like I’d rather have too many things, than not have the things I want. Especially when having a baby! I had read so many lists of “what to take to the hospital”, listened to friends recommendations and then I just ended up packing every. Single. Thing. HA!

So here is my list of what to pack. And it’s still probably over kill, but I’ve tried to simplify it for myself and for my poor hubby who has to haul all this crap around the hospital for us.

What’s in my bag: Robe/s • Yoga pants and/or PJ pants • Loose T for nursing Nursing tanks and/or nursing bras (See my favorite nursing bras HERE.) • Granny panties – I thought I wouldn’t need these but was told by many friends to get some for the hospital. And… Well, yes, you do need them! LOL • Socks • Flip flops • Going home dress/top Nursing pads – even if you don’t plan to nurse, they will leak! • Shower/Bathroom Items – I have a bag I use for all traveling that has mini sized everything so I don’t have to pack my giant shampoo, lotion, toothpaste etc. I just pack this bag and I’m done! Boppy – I loved having my Boppy with me because it helped me to nurse. It is also easier to keep the baby close for snuggles and even my hubby and TJ used it while holding Ryder when we were in the hospital last time. • Pillow – This is not a must but I loved having my own pillow. Just helped me feel a little more comfortable to have a piece of home with me. Eye mask – You will be catching Zzz’s at weird times and in small increments! I wore this thing often while at the hospital having Ryder. • Nipple cream – Because… Ouch!

What’s in babies bag: • Swaddles – The hospital will have blankets, but I liked having my own with me. I take multiple in case they spit up, poop or pee all over it. (Love THESE + THESE.) Binky – the hospital will also have these for the baby. But my mom recommended I get a couple different brands to try because sometimes babies can be picky. I kinda thought she was crazy! (Love you Mom ☺) but… She was right. Ryder totally had a preference. And I also just hate those hospital binkys! Burp cloths PJs • Going home outfit Cozy onesies/outfit Aquaphor – I use this on everything. Diaper rash, cradle cap, baby acne, etc. Sounds machine – Again, you will be sleeping at random times throughout the day and it’s so loud in the hospital! So it helps block out some hospital noise for the baby and the parents! Beanie/ribbons • Socks Mitts

What’s in Daddy’s bag: • Comfy clothes/PJs Flip flops Ear plugs Camera • Phone charger • Snacks Carseat • Candy for nurses – I made little candy bags for the nurses when we had Ryder and they loved it! I made them again this time around and also made some for the front desk, nurse and my doctor and took them in at my last OB appointment. They were all surprised and very grateful! • Something to wear home Bathroom bag

Things you don’t need: • Diapers • Wipes • Breast pump

When I had Ryder I was in the same robe the entire time we were at the hospital. I changed my nursing bra/tank every day, but other than that I was cozy in my robe and that’s all I really wore or needed. I do like to have yoga pants there just in case you want to get dressed for company or take some pics with the photographers at the hospital. And having a going home dress or cute top to wear always feels better to me than leaving the hospital in PJs. I hope this list helps!


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